Steno Witch

100 Days of Practice, Streak #3, Day 1

Day 1/100

I'm back to practicing! I want to set a precedent of getting my practice done in the morning before 7:30 a.m., but today I waited until nighttime. I felt nervous to do it again after such a long break. And some of Stenograph, LLC's recent actions discouraged me so badly about the future of my field that I have been putting off restarting the streak when I otherwise could have. (And I did practice many days of my time off. Just not in a cohesive way.)

I got diagnosed with RSI/tendinitis of my elbow insertion points on Thursday. I can't remember if it's "and" or if they're interchangeable. I remember seeing a slash mark and I don't feel like checking! But yeah. Amazing how I went through an entire year of work and almost three years of practicing to graduate without a single bit of pain in the arms or elbows. I had back and neck issues pop up due to posture and such, but never felt pain in the arm tendons.

I did 37 minutes. I warmed up very mindfully by going through the alphabet and writing out 1 through 100. I had difficulty with 87 and 67. Practice is obviously important even when we're working. Then I wrote to some of a video from the Magic for Court Reporters group. Then I wrote the same take twice: one Q&A at 230 and again at 225.

I don't think I'm actually writing at 225 wpm. I won't let shame get to me. I've taken time off practicing and the calendar has been really light.

My doctor wants me to wear braces when I write now. I told him that I needed something thinner and more flexible in order to work. He recommended the Futuro compression stabilizing wrist brace from 3M. They're obtrusive, but not too much. They're made so that you can do daily activities in them and they have this nice little pad that pushes against the palm! Super comfy. Still getting accustomed to writing with them on. Click here for a link to the manufacturer's website..

The feeling of them is noticeable. It's a good feeling, but my brain takes note of that good feeling and some of my writing goes to trash in those seconds. I wore them on the record on Friday, though, and the result is not so bad. It was a notable hindrance, but I had expected them to be much, much worse. My judge needs a draft of one of the evidentiary hearings, too; so I really am looking at the writing I did carefully.

I had had some pain since my doctor's appointment--maybe from the exercises the doctor had me do to demonstrate the injury, maybe from playing Pokemon, idk--and while I was writing, I thought, "Wow. My arms feel GOOD." That's that second of distraction I wrote about above. That proves I was doing something funny with my wrists or elbows before. Huh. Angling them a bit, maybe.

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