Steno Witch

Day 69/200

Spent about two and a half hours doing the break-up method on the warm-up section of this California CSR dictation:

Yes, that's more than the hour I've been trying to allot myself, but I didn't work today. Our trial didn't go; defendant pled at the last minute, and there was nothing we could reasonably start today just before the weekend. There were already two reporters on call and no one needed me.

I do want to do something fun after this. Haven't decided what, though.

I discovered a really difficult three-stroke sequence:
"And this accident occurred as you were"

I made a number of new briefs, but the most useful are probably these:
Ask her - SKHER
Ask him - SKHIM

22 minutes, "Beach Too Sandy."

My progress on the record has been great. Maybe I'm just getting lucky, but I think cutting back my regular work-week practice is good for me. It forces me to practice at a higher quality. I loved practicing for endurance in school, lollygagging around, but now my hands legit need rest sometimes. And my brain too.

#breakup method #good day #steno #stenography