Steno Witch

Day 70/200

Day 70/200 Started on the breakup method for 5 minutes and then realized I needed drills today. My long vowels felt heavier on my fingers than the short ones. Did some of my normal finger drills with long vowels swapped in, which the book advises you to do anyway, but I've never done it.

Hardest one so far is TKROE/TWAEU.

You can see how comparatively bad I am with long vowels in my defined misstrokes:
AOEFPB is "even" stroked correctly. AOUFD is "used" stroked correctly.
I have entered AOEFD as a misstroke for "used" and AOUFPB entered as a misstroke for "even."

Otherwise, boy, is that an effective drill pattern. Once again I feel like my steno-brain is cleaving in two, so I know I'm on the cusp of improvement.

78 minutes on the drills. Started at a random spot and got down to Section 23. I plan to start there again tomorrow morning to warm up.

32 minutes of a podcast after that. Probably went too long.

#drills #long practice #steno #stenography