Steno Witch

Day 9/100, Streak #3

Day 9/100

15 minutes of finger drills. Sheesh! I almost forgot to practice AT ALL.

This whole weekend, I've been so forgetful. I consciously try not to touch my face and to wash my hands more at work these days, but I'm still catching colds. Cripes. Well, wait. No. My partner was sick too. Obviously it's hard to avoid getting the germs of someone you sleep next to every night.

Forgot an NCRA Strong meeting and everything. It's just as well, though. I'm going to bed early to nip this in the bud.

Got some of my free steno materials written. It's a long, long, LONG way from finished, but I'm aiming to make a full guide explaining how I write, complete with some practice exercises. Last year, I noticed that my writing had drifted considerably from my original theory. In fact, it seemed to have drifted enough to merit its own name. I don't know if I'd call it a full theory--perhaps a dialect? But in any case, it's gotten different enough that I'm not concerned about copyright issues--fingers crossed lmao.

#steno #stenography