Steno Witch

Days 27, 28, 29, 30/100

Day 31...


Day 31/100

Accident phrase drills (slow), testimony phrase drills (slow), practice RMR testimony, practice RPR testimony, general phrases (fast).

I can't believe how many phrases I don't use, lol. I thought I wrote pretty short.

Still working on regaining speed.

Honestly quite discouraged. It's been an emotional time. I cannot believe how much of the 225 QA I'm dropping! I have testing this weekend. wtf!!! I'm in a bit of a steno depression, but I don't know if it's a cause or an effect. Also lots of childhood junk resurfacing in my psyche. I don't think I'll see my parents again for a while. It's not worth it. I can be grateful to them without putting myself in a spiral for months at a time.

A summary of everything else...

Practiced general phrase drills for the past few days while traveling, including while in the car--which had a broken stabilizer. HAHAHA. What fun.

#steno #stenography