Steno Witch

Days 75 through 77/200

Days 75 and 76 didn't have writeups long enough to warrant a bear post, but...

Day 75/200

Omg i almost forgot to post.

I practiced my witness lists on my lunch break and my new parentheticals! Took about 30 minutes. Did a bunch of BriefIt drills during sidebars. Tell me it counts lol

Day 76/200

A smorgasboard of small practice.

Day 77/200

35 minutes of mock speed tests. I am once again loathe to edit them. I must be hungry. I'll eat and try again later. NOPE, editing got hard because I went to a particularly difficult testimony and I'm just -- I'm done lofjkdlfjakl

The murder trial is going well from my perspective--I'm taking the record just fine, for the most part. I'm editing/proofreading as I go, but not very diligently.

Diet not going amazingly. It's stalled.

Will update later.

#steno #stenography