Steno Witch

Days 78 and 79 of 200

Day 78/200

Just did some 260 Q and A and an episode of Buffy. Felt pretty good to think that I could possibly live caption Buffy if anyone ever needed, lol. It occurred to me that even though prerecorded media isn't captioned via steno, the industry might work more smoothly if it were, since everything is so last-minute in TV.

Day 79/200

Feels like I'm getting somewhere. Having an emotionally bad night but I did 30 minutes split between 260-word-per-minute Q and A and hard copy (break-up method), 15 minutes each. And then that's all. Though I am writing this in steno. I also decided I'm just going to try editing my transcripts with steno again (running through Plover--that way some wires that shouldn't be crossed do not get crossed, lol). Because literally QWERTY sucks so bad.

I actually had a really good morning. I love when the sky is gray and it's never hot anymore. I'm not a fan of 30 degrees below 0, but it doesn't depress me the way heat does. Just, I have my period now? And so that took the wind out of my sails.

#hard copy #high speed #medium practice day #steno #stenography