Steno Witch

Days 90 and 91/200

Day 90/200

I'm too lazy to go and find/copy and paste the post that I made for this the day of, but I practiced mostly my own phrases from BriefIt during my lunch break. 30 minutes. I felt that I had made a major speed breakthrough.

Day 91/200

I did 27 minutes of Q&A practice at varying speeds, all over 225 words per minute. I felt like the audio was faster than it was said to be, though, which is annoying. I'd like to practice stuff that's literally what the exam would be. I don't have a subscription to MRTC anymore, but I know that their stuff was closer to what the exam would be instead of stuff that's trying to be challenging. I'm trying to do like many great, smart stenographers have told me and practice what the test will actually be, trying to habituate myself to somewhat dull material at 225 words per minute without panicking. It's amazing how much slower 240-word-per-minute material sounds just because I'm breathing at a normal rate and not thinking about "passing" the (at this time) imaginary test.

Oh, and I'm trying to register for the real test, but the website won't let me. It's been like this for days. I emailed them about it.

#steno #stenography