Steno Witch

Practice Day 27/100

Day 27/100


Drills. I lost track of time. I did them all day. Hours. Fr. Audio drills specifically. I typically do drills by hard copy and they're my own drills. But today and yesterday, I did audio drills starting way at the bottom of speeds (60-80) and working my way up. I changed my writing a significant amount just before I graduated and never really drilled those changes! This is long overdue. I didn't even have some of the phrases in the audio, though I know they'd existed for me before and I knew what their pattern would be in my new way of writing... and then it would turn out that that pattern was a conflict with something simple because of the slight mismatch in theory. I got stuck on some simple phrases/conflicts for a few rounds. Humbling. lol.

And drills are not nearly as boring as I feared. Happily, they stick easier than they did when I was in school! So I don't need to do the same drill for two weeks or whatever--knock on wood.

I was writing my slow-ass drill and saw that John was standing still in my peripheral vision. I looked at him when it was done a few seconds later and asked, "Yes?"

He said he just thought I was really cool. I did much better in my drill after that. I wish he noticed my steno like that every day. Then he went outside and I kept drilling. I told him how much better I did on the drill afterwards. Maybe now he will notice every day. :^)

I absolutely need to keep drilling this basic material because I have lost some speed and might as well build a stronger foundation while I rebuild that speed. I didn't notice in the past couple of months. I think that happened because I was focused on whether or not my injury hurt and I was strategically dropping based on my pain level. The record suffered a bit. /: Sigh.

#steno #stenography